Hello, I am Christine Tanya. It is my hope is that you are in good stead. These powerful energies coming upon our Planet Earth are hear for clearing and releasing. Holding and resisting no longer serves you. Best to relax, take good care of yourself and stay in the flow of now. We are, in our individual and collective awareness, moving into a state of higher consciousness – unconditional Love for self and, in turn, for all. Continued blessings and peace in integration and always.
Christine Tanya is a energy healer. She utilizes prayer intention by envisioning ones highest good and potentiality, a way of being she has practiced since early childhood. Her pay-it-forward website https://www.lightofdiscovery.com is designed to be a guiding post for your personal inner wisdom and will be active until January 2019. You may also contact Christine at [email protected] using the subject line “Journey of Possibilities Blog” so she will know how you came to connect with her.