EP144 Michele Mundy How to Coddiwomple With Family of 5 on Exploring Possibilities

Michele Mundy (www.coddiwomple.blog) visits with friend and host Sheryl Sitts (www.SherylSitts.com) about how she and her family got fed up with the rat race, sold it all and hit the road to follow their dreams of worldschooling their children and seeing exciting new places.  After 9 months traveling through Central and South America, Michele talks about how they downsized, got out of debt, and became free citizens of the world.  She shares about the education of her three children, what she does and doesn’t miss so far in this lifestyle, how it feels to live without a plan, and some of the exciting things in their future.  Follow their adventures at www.Coddiwomple.blog and consider contacting Michele for your V.A. (virtual assistant) work to support them in their dream (you can reach her for these services at https://www.facebook.com/CoddiwompleConsulting/).


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