EP257 Dr. James S Gordon Practical Holistic Solutions for PTSD

EP257 Dr. James S Gordon Practical Holistic Solutions for PTSD

James S. Gordon, M.D., Twice Appointed Chairman of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and Founder/Executive Director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine (https://www.cmbm.org) talks with host Sheryl Sitts, MPA, BA, Possibilities...
EP250 Alfred Ricci Mindfulness & Resilience for First Responders, Social Workers and Caregivers

EP250 Alfred Ricci Mindfulness & Resilience for First Responders, Social Workers and Caregivers

Alfred Ricci, MBA and founder of First Responder Resilience (https://www.alfredricci.com) chats with show host and Holistic Spiritual Practitioner Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about: His troubled youth, his success and stress in global banking, thoughts...
EP245 Maria Papaspyrou & Chiara Baldini Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine

EP245 Maria Papaspyrou & Chiara Baldini Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine

Maria Papaspyrou,MSc, BACP (Accred) Psychotherapist & Family Constellations Facilitator (https://www.towardswholeness.co.uk) and Researcher Chiara Baldini who studies the evolution of ecstatic practices in the West (https://chiarabaldini.academia.edu/) talk with...
EP229 Daniel McNicholas Channeling the Cosmos & Conscious Living on Earth on Exploring Possibilities

EP229 Daniel McNicholas Channeling the Cosmos & Conscious Living on Earth on Exploring Possibilities

Daniel McNicholas, Channel, Coach, Therapist, & Healer (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1747873861954364/) chats with host Sheryl Sitts (https://www.SherylSitts.com) about: – a new Awaken Men podcast he is broadcasting with Mario Rosales...

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