EP126 Dr. David Gruder America’s Integrity on Inauguration Day on Exploring Possibilities

Emotions run high today as America inaugurates Donald Trump as president.  Dr. David Gruder, PhD, DCEP, Speaker, Author, UN Consultant, Founder & Chief Integrity & Collaboration Officer of Integrity Culture Systems (DrGruder.com) opens up with host Sheryl Sitts (JourneyOfPossibilities.com) about how his youth and experiences like Woodstock and 9-11 in New York guided him to become “America’s Integrity Expert” and develop his Declaration of Social Responsibility.  In this powerful interview, Dr. Gruder talks about the unintended consequences of the American Dream as it was developed in the 1950s.  He describes the different effects that power has on us and advocates for a trans-partisan approach that removes the notion of an enemy and bridges polarization gap that now exists to find new ways to work together.  Listeners are encouraged to visit Dr. Gruder’s site for additional tools and resources to shift consciousness around our current social and political circumstances.


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